C (232/301)

From:Andrew Markwell
Date:13 Aug 99 at 23:12:29
Subject:Re: Not really off topic

From: Andrew Markwell <andrewmarkwell@ukonline.co.uk>

On 13-Aug-99 did write:
> From: Gabriele Svelto <jlpicard@tiscalinet.it>
> Hello everybody,
> here's a good song which I think shows why we all work in C:
> (sung to The Beatles "Let it Be")
> When I find my code in tons of trouble,
> Friends and colleagues come to me,
> Speaking words of wisdom:
> "Write in C."
> As the deadline fast approaches,
> And bugs are all that I can see,
> Somewhere, someone whispers"
> "Write in C."
> Write in C, write in C,
> Write in C, write in C.
> LISP is dead and buried,
> Write in C.
> I used to write a lot of FORTRAN,
> for science it worked flawlessly.
> Try using it for graphics!
> Write in C.
> If you've just spent nearly 30 hours
> Debugging some assembly,
> Soon you will be glad to
> Write in C.
> Write in C, write in C,
> Write In C, yeah, write in C.
> Only wimps use BASIC.
> Write in C.
> Write in C, write in C,
> Write in C, oh, write in C.
> Pascal won't quite cut it.
> Write in C.
> (Guitar Solo)
> Write in C, write in C,
> Write in C, yeah, write in C.
> Don't even mention COBOL.
> Write in C.
> And when the screen is fuzzy,
> And the editor is bugging me.
> I'm sick of ones and zeroes.
> Write in C.
> A thousand people people swear that T.P.
> Seven is the one for me.
> I hate the word PROCEDURE,
> Write in C.
> Write in C, write in C,
> Write in C, yeah, write in C.
> PL1 is 80's,
> Write in C.
> Write in C, write in C,
> Write in C, yeah, write in C.
> The government loves ADA,
> Write in C.
C belongs in the 80's.. write in C++ :)